#CityHallSelfie Day

#CityHallSelfie Day is a worldwide celebration of local government service. It showcases pride in local government institutions. Local government employees, elected officials, media, and community members participate on #CityHallSelfie Day.
#CityHallSelfie Day is managed by ELGL, the Engaging Local Government Leaders network. ELGL is a professional association of 4,800 people who work for and with local government.
ELGL’s mission is to engage the brightest minds in local government. In 2019, ELGL and Bang the Table are partnering to produce #CityHallSelfie day.
This day is all about local government pride.
So it doesn't matter if you are a citizen or work for a town, county, special district - just hop in front of your building, snap a picture, and use the hashtag to share it with the world!
#CityHallSelfie Day is a worldwide celebration of local government service. It showcases pride in local government institutions. Local government employees, elected officials, media, and community members participate on #CityHallSelfie Day.
#CityHallSelfie Day is managed by ELGL, the Engaging Local Government Leaders network. ELGL is a professional association of 4,800 people who work for and with local government.
ELGL’s mission is to engage the brightest minds in local government. In 2019, ELGL and Bang the Table are partnering to produce #CityHallSelfie day.
This day is all about local government pride.
So it doesn't matter if you are a citizen or work for a town, county, special district - just hop in front of your building, snap a picture, and use the hashtag to share it with the world!
#CityHallSelfie 2019 in Battle Creek, Michigan
Share #CityHallSelfie 2019 in Battle Creek, Michigan on Facebook Share #CityHallSelfie 2019 in Battle Creek, Michigan on Twitter Share #CityHallSelfie 2019 in Battle Creek, Michigan on Linkedin Email #CityHallSelfie 2019 in Battle Creek, Michigan linkBattle Creek, Mich. -- Our team and community enjoyed a grrreat City Hall Selfie Day, Aug. 15, 2019. We shared selfies with Tony the Tiger, toured around the Binder Park Zoo, saw selfies from our neighbors, and celebrated our city with our team. Thank you, everyone!
Choose Scottsdale
Share Choose Scottsdale on Facebook Share Choose Scottsdale on Twitter Share Choose Scottsdale on Linkedin Email Choose Scottsdale linkScottsdale’s Economic Development department participated in the 2019 ELGL City Hall Selfie contest.
City Hall Selfie Day 2019 Wrap up Video
Share City Hall Selfie Day 2019 Wrap up Video on Facebook Share City Hall Selfie Day 2019 Wrap up Video on Twitter Share City Hall Selfie Day 2019 Wrap up Video on Linkedin Email City Hall Selfie Day 2019 Wrap up Video linkThe City of Fontana celebrated City Hall Selfie Day on Thursday, August 15, 2019. Thank you to everyone who came out to the Fontana City Hall Selfie Day Party! We'll see you in 2020.
Over 900 Participate in City Hall Selfie Day
Share Over 900 Participate in City Hall Selfie Day on Facebook Share Over 900 Participate in City Hall Selfie Day on Twitter Share Over 900 Participate in City Hall Selfie Day on Linkedin Email Over 900 Participate in City Hall Selfie Day linkRIVER FALLS -- Outside River Falls City Hall Aug. 15, more than 900 people turned out for the annual Municipal Utilities customer appreciation day.
With over 100 more people than last year according to River Falls Communications Manager Mary Zimmerman, the group took an event-wide City Hall Selfie at 11:30 a.m. to compete to win "most people in a selfie" with other selfie-takers from around the nation.
The competition was through a program sponsored by Engaging Local Government Leaders taking place on what they have dubbed "#CityHallSelfieDay". Last year River Falls won "best use of props."
River Falls Fire Department lent its ladder truck to the event for taking the giant selfie.
ELGL members will vote on their favorite selfies through Aug. 23.
Durham County Rocks!
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WCIA: City Hall Selfie Day
Share WCIA: City Hall Selfie Day on Facebook Share WCIA: City Hall Selfie Day on Twitter Share WCIA: City Hall Selfie Day on Linkedin Email WCIA: City Hall Selfie Day linkCHAMPAIGN, Ill (WCIA)—People walking through downtown Champaign Thursday could see signs asking them to take a selfie with the city building. They are taking part in National City Hall Selfie Day. During lunch hour, Mayor Feinen posed for some photos. Those with the city say they do things like this to make sure people in Champaign know that city government is accessible.
“It’s really just about getting people involved in government. Yes people are coming by to get a picture but it gives them the chance to talk to the mayor and offer suggestions and comments about city government,” Mayor Fienen says.
They encouraged people to stop and take a picture and tag the city social media pages for them to see.
Share SELFIES APLENTY AT BROOKLYN PARK CITY HALL on Facebook Share SELFIES APLENTY AT BROOKLYN PARK CITY HALL on Twitter Share SELFIES APLENTY AT BROOKLYN PARK CITY HALL on Linkedin Email SELFIES APLENTY AT BROOKLYN PARK CITY HALL linkIt’s National City Hall Selfie Day Thursday. Brooklyn Park officials got in on the action.An event in front of Brooklyn Park City Hall offered not only internet fame, but coffee and doughnuts as well. A number of people came by and took selfies.The best one in the city will win some Brooklyn Park swag. There’s a national contest too. If you’d like to see the selfies, search #WeAreBrooklynPark.
City Hall Selfie Day Wrap Up Video
Share City Hall Selfie Day Wrap Up Video on Facebook Share City Hall Selfie Day Wrap Up Video on Twitter Share City Hall Selfie Day Wrap Up Video on Linkedin Email City Hall Selfie Day Wrap Up Video link#CityHallSelfie Day may have come to a close, but our enthusiasm for #localgov has not!
Check out our wrap up video to celebrate local gov in #DE! We ❤️ #DELocalGov!
International #CityHallSelfie Day 2019
Share International #CityHallSelfie Day 2019 on Facebook Share International #CityHallSelfie Day 2019 on Twitter Share International #CityHallSelfie Day 2019 on Linkedin Email International #CityHallSelfie Day 2019 linkAnother International #CityHallSelfie Day is on the books and folks, the days of the conventional selfie are over. This was the year of props, costumes, filters, and field trips.
It was exceptionally difficult this time to decide on ten noteworthy selfies because the effort put into this crop of images was historically high.
The Chronicles worked all through the night reviewing hundreds of images, consulting with our artists-in-residence, and testing for authenticity. While there were dozens of contenders, each selfie on the list had to satisfy the following criteria:
A. be taken by or feature a city council member/mayor; or
B. be taken in a council chamber; and
C. be a true selfie — i.e. taken by someone in the picture.
Next week, we will invite a municipal selfie expert on the podcast who will render a verdict on the pièces de résistance. Here are the top 10:
City Hall Selfie Day
Share City Hall Selfie Day on Facebook Share City Hall Selfie Day on Twitter Share City Hall Selfie Day on Linkedin Email City Hall Selfie Day linkGREEN BAY and APPLETON, Wis. (WFRV)
Over the last few years, August 15th has gradually become “City Hall Selfie Day,” a day where citizens are encouraged to snap a picture of themselves in front of their favorite local government building.
“I think the idea is just to make it a little bit more accessible for people to check out City Hall, to engage in city government, and just a fun thing for us to do as employees of the city,” said Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich. “And something for the community to engage in as well.”
In Appleton, resident Gerry Lambie made a new friend while taking her city hall selfie. Lambie was spotted by Local 5 taking a selfie in front of Appleton City Hall with Kaukauna resident Gary Schmidt.
“I knew that it was Selfie Day,” Lambie said. “I thought, instead of being by myself… I just thought I would, as (Schmidt’s) walking down the street, ask him if wanted to take a selfie with me… We’re proud of where we live, and we just want to let people know that we’ve got a great community here.”
City Hall Selfies can be taken inside or outside of a city hall or any other local government facility, and posted on any social media platform with the hashtag #CityHallSelfie.
“That’s really what the fun of it is, is for us to be able to share the photos that other people are taking, to see them sort of really just enjoying and being part of this community,” said Chad Doran, the city of Appleton’s Communications Coordinator.
City Hall Selfie Day isn’t just a Northeast Wisconsin phenomenon – local governments across the globe are encouraging residents to participate and post their pictures online.
Who's listening
Email kent@elgl.org